After the recent announcement of a National lockdown we appreciate that many people will be working from home if possible, but what better time than when the office is empty to get it Covid-safe for your staff?



Keep your staff spaced out with at least 2 metres between each of them at the very minimum. If you can supply your team with hygiene screens such as a screened desk or a glass divider, then even better! It's also important to remind them to avoid going to the toilet together if it is a communal toilet and the same goes for the kitchen - this also means no tea making duties!


It's more important than ever right now to ensure that your staff are being hygienic. Make sure that they are washing their hands regularly and provide them with plenty of alcohol-based hand sanitiser. It's also a good idea to ramp up your cleaning schedule to keep the office germ free!


Keep your team well-stocked with their own antibacterial wipes, tissues, hand sanitiser, masks, pens and anything else they may need to avoid anyone sharing items. Maybe even get some vitamins for each desk!

Is it hot in here?

Keep a close eye on your staff and if they could be showing symptoms of the virus. It would be a pretty good idea to buy a thermometer and check each person's temperature before they enter the building. You can never be too safe!

Company Safety Protocols

Create a document that can be shared, specifying the new company procedures and rules to follow to keep everyone safe. Make it a company safety guidebook that your employees can look at when they need to.


January 08, 2021 — Tim Scott